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Imprint / Imprint


GLAD ADS, Unipessoal LDA

Av. 1Maio  44

2825-394 Costa da Caparica Portugal

Cons. Reg. Commercial: LISBOA

516036068 Sociedade Unipessoal por Quotas






Ownership of the Site is a registered trademark of GLAD ADS, Unipessoal LDA, (hereinafter the Entity) owns this website (hereinafter the Website).

Its registered office is

Av. 1º Maio 44

2825-394 Costa da Caparica, Portugal


You can contact us in the following ways:

Email: ola(at)


This website will not be used in connection with any other content, products and/or services not owned by the entity and/or its affiliates and/or subsidiaries.

For the purposes of this Legal Notice, Users are those individuals who access the Website and/or submit an inquiry or email to the Website, or fill out any Website form or registration process.




This legal notice contains all the terms that regulate:

a) access, navigation and use of the website;

b) the responsibilities arising from the use of the website and the provision of and/or the conclusion of contracts for products or services that may be offered through the website; andthe provision and use of website content. Notwithstanding the provisions contained herein, the Entity may, on a case-by-case basis, establish specific conditions governing the use, provision and/or contracting of products or services offered to Users through the Website. In any case, these particular conditions form an integral part of this Legal Notice.

If the user performs any of the following actions, he unreservedly accepts and acknowledges each and every one of the provisions contained in this Legal Notice: a) accessing the website, b) filling in forms through the website,

c) sending information requests or complaints,

d) accepting offers of employment/contracts or subscriptions; and

e) in general, all actions of a similar nature carried out when filling out forms and/or contacting us via the e-mail addresses published on the website. You must therefore read and understand the content of this Legal Notice.

Should the use, provision and/or contracting of products or services be offered through the Website, the mere fact of the use and/or contracting by the user constitutes at the same time the unreserved acceptance of the relevant specific conditions established, which also form an integral part of the present one form a legal notice.


Use of the Website and Access


Access to the site is free for users. However, the use, provision and/or contracting of products and services offered by the entity may be subject to prior acceptance of formal requirements such as completing relevant forms, payment of fees and charges and/or prior acceptance subject to specific conditions that apply to them.
The website is intended for adults (+18) and is not intended for use by children. Children under the age of 18 are not permitted to access the Website and/or Services.
The mere access to the website does not imply that any connection or commercial relationship will be established between the company and the user, unless the appropriate means have been established and the user has previously complied with the specified requirements.
The information on the website related to the products or services offered by the establishment is for informational and promotional purposes only, unless otherwise specified.
If the user is required to register for the use, provision and/or contracting of a product or service offered on the website, he is required to provide accurate information and to guarantee the authenticity of all data guarantee that they indicate when filling in the forms provided to access the relevant products or services. If the user is assigned a password when registering, he is obliged to use this password carefully and to keep it secret. Consequently, the user is responsible for the appropriate storage and confidentiality of all identification data and/or passwords and undertakes not to authorize or allow their use by third parties, whether temporary or permanent, and not to allow access to others. The use and/or contracting of products or services by third parties obtained as a result of incorrect or negligent use or misuse of a password given to the user and/or loss of the password by the user are entirely the responsibility of the user.
In addition, the user is obliged to inform the legal entity immediately of any circumstances that may lead to misuse of identification data and/or passwords, such as B. Theft, loss or unauthorized access to allow the legal entity to effect immediate deletion. Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Agreement, for the duration of the period in which such circumstances are not communicated to the Entity, the Entity shall be relieved of any liability that may result from the improper use of the identification data or the use or misuse of the passwords by a third party.
In any case, access, navigation and use of the website, as well as the use or contracting of the services or products offered on the website, are the sole and exclusive responsibility of the user. The user is therefore obliged to scrupulously and faithfully follow any additional instructions given to him by the establishment or its authorized employees in relation to the use of the website and its contents.


Limitation of Liability and Indemnification

User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Entity and each of its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, liabilities, costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising in any way from the use of the Website , the placement or transmission of any message, content, information, software or other material through the Website or resulting from any violation of the law or the terms contained in this Legal Notice.

Termination of Access and Use
The Entity reserves the right to refuse, withdraw, suspend and/or block access to the Website and/or the Services to any User who violates this Legal Notice and/or the applicable Terms of Use, without prejudice to the has the ability to delete their registration and all related information and files. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, INSTITUTION SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY TO ANY USER FOR DETERMINATION OF ACCESS TO THE SITE FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH IN THIS PARAGRAPH.


Intellectual Property Rights

The Entity owns and/or holds the rights and/or has a corresponding license to the intellectual property rights and/or image rights relating to the Content available through the Website, as necessary and/or available. The term "Content" as used herein includes but is not limited to text, graphic designs, drawings, code, software, photos, videos, sounds, indexes, images, marks, logos, expressions, information and in general any other creation protected by national regulations and international intellectual property treaties.

The products and services offered through the website, as well as the related intellectual property rights, are and will remain the exclusive property of the Entity.

All intellectual property rights on all content are reserved, and in particular it is forbidden to modify, copy, reproduce, communicate publicly, transform or distribute, in whole or in part, for public or commercial purposes, the content contained on the website, unless , there is prior, express and written authorization from the entity or, where applicable, the owner or rights holder. Among other things, the use of any technology to extract and collect information and content from the website is prohibited.

Accessing and navigating the website shall in no case be construed as a waiver, transfer, license or total or partial transfer of rights by the establishment, in any way whatsoever. Consequently, deleting, circumventing or tampering with any notice of ownership (e.g., "Copyright", "©", "Trademark" or "™") or other identifying data, whether for the benefit of the entity or any other party, is not permitted , and/or technical protection mechanisms, fingerprints or whatever information or identification mechanism is contained in or otherwise relates to the Content.

Any reference to names and commercial or registered trademarks, logos or other distinguishing marks owned by the company or others implicitly prohibits their use without the authorization of the company or the owner or rights holder. Access to or use of the website and/or its contents does not confer on the user any right whatsoever to the brands, logos and/or distinctive signs contained on the website, all of which are protected by law, unless expressly stated otherwise.


Links from the Website to other websites
Entity may provide direct or indirect links to other Internet websites that are external to the Website. The presence of these links on the website has a purely informative purpose and at no time constitutes an invitation to conclude a contract for the products and/or services offered on these websites. In addition, no such link implies the existence of any commercial link or relationship the person or entity that owns the website to which the link is offered. In any case, the Entity is not responsible for establishing general conditions to be taken into account when using, providing or contracting for such services or products, and the Entity can therefore in no way be held responsible for such products or services become.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Entity becomes aware that the activity or information to which it is linked is unlawful and would lead to a criminal offense or damage the rights or property of third parties, it will act promptly and with due care to to delete the relevant link or to discontinue its use.
Likewise, if users become aware of the illegality of the activities carried out through such third-party websites, they are obliged to report this matter as soon as possible to the establishment so that it can evaluate it and act accordingly.


When it is necessary for the user to register or provide personal data (including to access services, subscribe to newsletters, register, request information, purchase products, send forms, make consultations or complaints, or to seek a contractual transaction ), the user is informed of the need to provide their personal data.
In any case, the collection and processing of personal data will be carried out in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations and the privacy policy, which is an integral part of this legal notice.
duration and change
The Entity reserves the right to modify, at any time, the conditions of this Legal Notice and/or the specific conditions established for the use and/or the conclusion of contracts for the products and services offered on the Website deems it appropriate for business reasons and/or to adapt to and comply with changes in legislation and technology that will come into force after the updated publication on the website.
The period of validity of this legal notice coincides with the period of its publication and display on the website, until it is modified in whole or in part. At that point, the amended Terms of Use become binding.
The institution may terminate, delete or interrupt access to the published content at any time. In such a case, the user will not be entitled to any kind of compensation. After such a deletion, the prohibitions set out above in this legal notice regarding the use of the content remain in force.


For any communication between the Entity and the User, the User must contact the Entity via the postal and/or email address provided on the Website. Notices from the legal entity to the user must match the contact details provided by the user. The user therefore expressly accepts the use of the email address provided as a valid means for the exchange of information between the legal entity and the user.
The headings of each section are for informational purposes only and do not affect, limit or modify the interpretation of this Legal Notice.
In the event of any contradiction between the effects of this Legal Notice and the particular conditions that may be established in relation to certain products or services offered on the Website, the latter will prevail.
If any of the provisions contained in this Legal Notice are considered by a court or a recognized supervisory authority to be wholly or partially non-binding, this nullity shall not affect the other provisions contained in this Legal Notice or any other stipulated provisions.
Failure by Entity to exercise any of the rights contained in this Legal Notice shall not constitute a waiver of that right unless expressly stated in writing.
Governing Law
This Legal Notice is governed by Portuguese law.


Which data do we process? In order to provide our website services, we process identification data and contact details.
For what purpose do we process your data? Your data will be processed in order to process contact, advice, information and complaint requests, as well as to manage registration on the website and/or the contractual relationship with us.
Likewise, your data will be processed for the purpose of sending service communications, including by electronic means, as well as commercial communications about products and services offered by the joint data controllers.
How long do we process your data? For the duration of the business relationship with us and after its termination during the limitation periods of the obligations arising from the data processing.
Legal basis:
The legal basis for processing your data is consent, performance of the contractual relationship, legitimate interest and/or compliance with legal obligations.
You can exercise the rights recognized under applicable data protection law by sending a written notice to one of the joint data controllers using the contact details provided above. A copy of your identity card, passport or other valid identification document must be attached to the application.
If you do not wish to receive commercial communications from the joint data controllers, you can object or request withdrawal at any time by sending a request to one of the email addresses above. Likewise, you can unsubscribe or cancel your subscription using the mechanism included in each commercial communication you receive.
Users have the right to complain to the Portuguese Data Protection Agency ( if they consider that the processing of their personal data is contrary to current regulations.


© 2023 All rights reserved.

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