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Creatives & Texting

Anchor 1


Online shops provide a very targeted method for determining revenue generation. The most important KPI (Key Performance Indicator) for measuring sales is the ROAS (Return On Ad Spend). With this parameter, the success of the sale can be determined very precisely. If €1000 was spent on a campaign and the income generated by the campaign was €7,000, then the campaign has a ROAS of 7... pretty simple. The ROAS therefore always determines the expenditure and income complex of a campaign. The ROAS can be viewed on all platforms and ultimately only differs by the corresponding attribution window. This can then of course be broken down to the respective ad sets and creatives and gives us important information about the success prospects of your campaign. With extended and additional information, we can then also determine the ROI (Return On Investment) and compare it with the ROAS.

Anchor 2


No matter if online or offline shops, services, personalities, institutions and organizations, news and media services or already established brands, without awareness the chances of success are low. What supports the success factor for awareness is branding. Branding is ultimately an important psychological aspect that creates trust and brand presence and thus ensures awareness. The right product at the exact time and in the correct target group triggers the user's well-being. Funnel marketing is decisive here and must be planned and visited carefully. Branding should always be taken into account with all other marketing goals and is an essential part of any campaign goal.

Anchor 3

Lead Generation

A lead is ultimately a contact for a future business that can be generated very specifically through online marketing. Lead generation can be done in various ways, whether through communication tools in social media, email or telephone contact - it is important to determine which target group prefers which method. Each platform offers quite precise methods for contact acquisition campaigns and play off each other for the information relevant to us. Lead generation should cover all possibilities of contact.

Anchor 4

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a communication method to stay in touch with existing customers or contact potential customers and is primarily not viewed as advertising, but rather to transmit information, updates, and lifestyle feelings. Secondly, it is still seen as advertising as it contains many important marketing factors, particularly branding. Content marketing in line with your product always hits the current zeitgeist and trend. Social media platforms play a very special role here. To reach certain marketing goals - e.g. generate sales - content marketing is not necessarily required. Content marketing ultimately rounds off your product and makes it more attractive. Consider content marketing as accessories and decorations next to your necessary furniture.

Creatives & Texting

Anchor 5

With our experience as employees at Facebook, Google, and Pinterest, we have been able to see many marketing methods. One thing has become clear to us: the right presentation of products is often neglected! Here, creativity and being different are key. The visibility of a product, the right colors with the right choice of words and the right messages play the main role in the call-to-action decision. Advertising materials provided by the platforms are mixed with our creative department, recurring images or videos are avoided, out-of-the-box creations, wordplays, day and time-dependent orientations, music, humor, charm, and emotions decide if your product conveys what it should! We take explicit note of how your product should be presented and synchronize this with our ideas.

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